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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bee BS: For CANUCKS re Red Fridays (25) RE: BS: For CANUCKS re Red Fridays 19 Aug 06

Dave, I make no claims to understand the exact situation and history in Afghanistan: not my area of expertise, but the rhetoric I hear from the Harper government is warlike, it does not sound like peacemaking. To many Canadians, myself included, it increasingly sounds and looks like Harper is firmly in the backpocket of George Bush, and taking Canada with him. I don't trust Steven Harper to have my or the armed forces best interests at heart, and that is a sad thing for me as a Canadian to feel.

I exercise my rights as Clinton does on every possible occasion. To my sorrow and embarassment, the Minister of Foriegn Affairs holds my riding, and likely has my email address in the spam file.

I have nothing against people sporting yellow ribbons, but again, I see it as a more American sort of thing; it isn't for me. Your posts show me that your use of the ribbon is sincere, but I think some people slap the things on their cars with little thought or understanding. I believe most of our soldiers are earnest and honest and eager to do well, and I think many of them joined up not just for the benefits (many from the Maritimes, for obvious reasons), but because they saw it as an opportunity to do some good in the world. I know many vets who are proudest of their peacekeeping medals.

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