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GUEST,Songster Bob Obit: Iain MacKintosh (1932-2006) (53* d) RE: Obit: Iain MacKintosh (August 2006) 28 Aug 06

Jennifer and I played host to Iain on about three occasions when he was touring the eastern US several years ago, and there wasn't a nicer, less-intrusive guest in the world. Always a good word, always knowledgeable without being pompous or stand-offish, and just an all-'round good guy. The last time he was here, we watched a Billy Connelly comedy broadcast together, both families (his wife was with him this time, as I recall), and we all got the jokes, but thought Connelly used the fucking F-word too much.

I wish I knew half the songs Iain knew, and even more wish that I could put a song over one-tenth as well. I wish he had come through our part of the world more often and more recently. He will be missed.

Bob Clayton
(& Jennifer Woods)

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