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Bob Coltman Lyr Add: Fight Wid Ole Satan (14) RE: Lyr Add: Fight Wid Ole Satan 05 Sep 06

P.S. It may be that "If you'll be my gentle when you're dead" really is "general" as given in Ella Madison's version. That makes sense.

I understood Mr. Moomaw to sing it as "gentle," as in "gentleman."   That's an occasional folk use I've seen elsewhere.

Which one is right? I'm sure Satan would prefer a higher-ranking emissary on earth than a mere gentleman. But until we see a minstrel original (I've seen no evidence of one yet), I suppose that will remain uncertain.

I'm tickled by the Madison change from Uncle Billy to Aunt Jane. Shades of Uncle Bud and Aunt Jane (those lickerish two who feature in so many Southern floating verses).


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