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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Skipjack K8 BS: Irish lifeboats (38) RE: BS: Irish lifeboats 05 Sep 06

Today I have lived and learned. My conscience was pricked by this thread that I hadn't made good on an offering to the gods in a marine scrape a few years ago, so I tried to find the Humber Inshore Rescue website (the RIB that launches under the Humber Bridge). It turns out that they aren't RNLI, but I found them at this site, which list 60 Independent Lifeboats , including the Runswick Bay boat that is close to Raggy's heart.

I also forgot that I read the log of the Humber RIB a few years back, and was amazed to read that bald statement that the Bosun was shot whilst attending a shout in the urban River Hull. Shot! A ****ing lifeboatman! Boy, is that a sign of a sick society?

Anyway, amends have been made, donation posted off today, and an offer of a freebie fundraiser ceilidh by the Black Diamonds.

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