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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bill t' bodger BS: Santa's Silly Secretary says hint here! (2006) (39) RE: BS: Santa's Silly Secretary says hint here! (2 07 Sep 06

1) Gender: B

2) Age range:Morris dancer therefore Insane

3) Daft as a: totally insane brush

4) Melodeons: Couldn't eat a whole one.

5) Music: as a clue yesterday I bought a cd by the Weavers and Def leppard so pretty diverse

6) Likes: getting caught in the rain; champagne; making love at midnight,in fact anything midnight based

7) Dislikes: Healthfoods; Badd speelling; Stupid online quizzes;

8) Favourite colour: Black; Purple.

9) Favourite food: bit fussy cos of food intolerances

10) Tshirt size: large to XL

11) Animals are: Cute; Tasty; an essential food source

12) Flowers are: Dangerous; Pretty on the plant; Fine on trees but not on wallpaper; Romantic; Expensive.

13) Christmas is:based on Pagan beliefs for over 3500 years

14) Did I mention I like leather and lace; and like very dark humourous things,

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