I answered the question that was asked at the start of this thread. It seems to me that the zionists and their supporters simply do not value the lives of the Palestinian people in the slightest. We have seen the casual and vicious racism of the Israeli military and the zionist settlers on a daily basis. They have smashed up, Gaza murdering and wounding hundreds of children and literally starving the rest.Malnutrion is the common experience of Palestinian children who have had their homes,clinics and hospitals destroyed. Their schools have been reduced to rubble and jet planes scream low overhead on many occasions. Even Palestinian children playing on the Gaza beach have been blown to bits by Israeli shells fired from warships. I support the Palestinian people's right to be free while the zionists want to scatter them , reduce them to a kind of modern serfdom ,force them to live in bantustans and reduce them to pauperism. Free Palestine! hugo