Memyself, you are right, of course, but I think that line of thinking about what taxpayers money should be spent on can be applied to a lot of things, like giving tax breaks to wealthy corporations, or paying for high end health care for people with rare diseases, or paying senators for not using expensive offices. Ideally, I don't think government should be involved, if only there was a slight chance that our music and art and theatre would survive at all in the current marketplace of 'make it cheap somewhere else, sell it here in bulk'. There is another issue here, and that is why cultural products are not enjoyed or participated in by more of the population. I think that relates to education, or lack therof. I've never taken someone to the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and had them not enjoy some of the work on display there, but they wouldn't have thought of going there on their own, because they have no previous knowledge about art. My friends wouldn't think of buying a folk music CD, but they like them when I play them, and sometimes buy their own once they know what it sounds like. I'm off to bed, been an energetic day. Hope my opinionatin' hasn't been too strong. I feel badly about upsetting Peace, certainly didn't mean to or want to.