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GUEST,celticblues5 Lyr Req: The Gypsy Laddie (Tannahill Weavers) (10) Lyr Req: Follow the Gypsy Laddie-O 12 Oct 06

Can someone help me with remembering who did a version of Gypsy Laddie from (probably/possibly) the 80s - with male singers - and the chorus was a little different from the usual: "Laddie-O, Laddie-O, follow the gypsy Laddie-O."   Although, I don't know, it could have been spelled gipsy or any of the other variations, of course. It was a rather high-speed version.

If anyone knows the version I'm talking about, I'd appreciate knowing who did it, so that I can try to track down a copy. If you know the lyrics, I'd appreciate those, too - I *think* that the verses were pretty much the usual, but, due to the speed of the delivery & the vagueness of passing time, can't remember for sure. I looked through most of the versions on Mudcat, but there are so many, I may have missed this particular one. Thanks so much for your time.

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