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Bassic BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain. (50) RE: BS: HULL . The most stupid place in Britain. 15 Oct 06

It doesn't help when they steal one of our Universities and give it to Lincoln! Grrrr!! Likewise, its rather hard to assess the intelligence of a city when a substantial proportion of the people who live and work there, and have done for generations, don't actually live within the city boundaries. They live within about 3 miles of it though! Lets see them assess the intelligence of the population of Hull AND the Haltemprice villages. I bet you would see the region (and we are only talking about an area that is about 10 miles across)shoot up the relevant league tables if Hull AND its natural hinterland and commuter belt were assessed as one!
p.s. Haltemprice is where the hills are ;-).
p.s.s. As for nameless guests cowardly judgemental-ism about a member from Hull that I suspect he has never met, I personally invite him to Hull to meet the aforementioned Hull Catter. If you don't like him after that Mr Guest, then I am sure our Hull Catter will happily reciprocate and give YOU an unsolicited character reference, one that I suspect would contain a great deal more wit and insightfulness than you could manage, once he knows who you are of course ;-).

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