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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center We need a YouTube Permathread. (51* d) RE: We need a YouTube Permathread. 16 Oct 06

Hi, Murray - Sounds like a good idea. Check the other PermaThreads in our PermaThread Index to see how they're set up. Then go ahead and start a new thread and say it's an edited PermaThread. Then send me a personal message and tell me about it, and I'll set it up as a PermaThread that you can edit.

That's generally how PermaThread setup works. Come up with an idea for a thread that can be used for permanent reference information on just about any music-related subject. If I approve it (and I usually do), I'll be glad to help set up a thread.

If a PermaThread is not maintained or proves not to be interesting to the community, it can lose PermaThread status.
-Joe Offer-

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