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Feadan Lyr Req: Don't Take the Heroes (Neil & Roz Kimber) (22) Lyr Add: DON'T TAKE THE HEROES (Neil & Roz Kimber) 02 Nov 06

Now that I have the the blessing of Kimber's Men to do this here the "real" lyrics to this fine song written by Neil(music) & Roz(lyrics) Kimber.

Don't Take the Heroes
Neil & Roz Kimber

They can't believe it in Penzance town
They've heard that the Soloman Browne has gone down
The Union Star wrecked in the swell
With all lives lost, eight heroes as well

   But don't take the heroes who answer the call
   Don't take the heroes return them to shore
   You're winning the battle for lives lost at sea
   But don't take the heroes, don't take the heroes
   They're fathers and brothers and sons just like me.

He stands alone, was it God's design?
We shall not take fathers and their sons this time
Trevelyan's words still ring in his ears
The salty spray meets his salt tears

There on the shelf his photograph stands
She's holding a medal instead of his hands
But medals can't caress can't wipe away tears
Can't care for a mother in her golden years

Small boy he said, "What did Daddy do?"
And why do I live here all alone with you
She showed him the medal, said "Stand proud and tall
And when you're a man you'll answer the call."

But gifts can't mend families all torn apart,
And ease the pain in each grieving heart
But although you've taken Trevelyan's men
We won't be beaten we'll fight you again.

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