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Warsaw Ed Lyr Req: Bird in a Cage (Jean Ritchie) (12) Lyr Add: A BIRD IN A GILDED CAGE (Lamb, Von Tilzer 04 Nov 06

How about the Bird in a Guilded Cage? Harry Von Tilzer 1900
Public Domain Music Sequenced by Benjamin Tubb
under Music 1900-1922 [first song]

"A Bird in a Gilded Cage" (1900)
Sung With Great Success by May A. Bell.
Words by Aurthur J. Lamb, 1870-1928.
Music by Harry Von Tilzer, 1872-1946.

The ballroom was filled with fashion's throng,
It shone with a thousand lights,
And there was a woman who passed along,
The fairest of all the sights,
A girl to her lover then softly sighed,
There's riches at her command;
But she married for wealth, not for love he cried,
Though she lives in a mansion grand.

She's only a bird in a gilded cage,
A beautiful sight to see,
You may think she's happy and free from care,
She's not, though she seems to be,
'Tis sad when you think of her wasted life,
For youth cannot mate with age,
And her beauty was sold,
For an old man's gold,
She's a bird in a gilded cage.

I stood in a churchyard just at eve',
When sunset adorned the west,
And looked at the people who'd come to grieve,
For loved ones now laid at rest,
A tall marble monument marked the grave,
Of one who'd been fashion's queen,
And I thought she is happier here at rest,
Than to have people say when seen.


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