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Man of Cow Hollow Buell Kazee CD and Concert (3) RE: Buell Kazee CD and Concert 15 Nov 06

The material on the album is culled from performances Buell did in the 60s - primarily at a Seattle concert. There is a track recorded for Kentucky Educational TV, one or two from a recording Buell made for teaching purposes, and one older one that Buell recorded himself on a home disc recording. The bonus tracks come from the same sources - with the addition of two tracks that John Cohen recorded. None of these are studio recordings.

(Side One) “Roll On, John,â€쳌 “Jay Gould’s Daughter,â€쳌 “The Lady Gay,â€쳌 “Steel-A-Going Down,â€쳌 “The Roving Cowboy,â€쳌 “Banjo Medley: Blue-Eyed Gal, Rock Little Julie, What’ll I Do with the Baby-O,â€쳌 (Side Two) “Look Up, Look Down That Lonesome Road,â€쳌 “Sporting Bachelors,â€쳌 “The Orphan Girl,â€쳌 “Black Jack Davy,â€쳌 “The Blind Man,â€쳌 “O, Thou in Whose Presence,â€쳌 and “Amazing Grace.â€쳌

CD bonus tracks will include recordings of “Wexford Girl,â€쳌 “Butcher’s Boy,â€쳌 “Wagoner’s Lad,â€쳌 “Short Life of Trouble,â€쳌 “Shady Grove,â€쳌 “East Virginiaâ€쳌 and “Hook and Line.â€쳌

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