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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
shepherdlass why well run folk clubs are important (363* d) RE: why well run folk clubs are important 23 Nov 06

Something struck me as soon as the folk clubs v arts centres debate kicked in. Some venues (notably Washington's Davy Lamp) have the best of both worlds - professional performance space that links with other art forms AND the intimacy of a club. Is either of these extremes better than the other? How long is a piece of string?

It seems to me that the healthiest thing for performers, organizers and punters alike is to retain a mix of venues - some that pay the performers' mortgage; others that allow for new musicians to come through.    The best folk club organizers are more than equal to the best professional arts administrators - equally the worst of either category can ruin enjoyment of the music.   Surely both styles of presentation have their place - and each feeds the other. The one thing that seems absolutely certain is that people still want spaces where they can participate in music - you just have to look at karaoke and open mic sessions to see that. So are folk clubs really inherently old fashioned?

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