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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Songwriting - what do you need? (83* d) RE: Songwriting - what do you need? 23 Dec 06

...Right, back to me again! crikey I only started this thread yesterday and this is the first time I've managed to get back here to look at the replies! well here is what I think and it's more or less the same as George Papavgeris, (not that I disagree with what anyone else says either!AND I'm not saying there is any right or wrong way but this is just MY opinion)

1. You need a subject that interests you enough to want to put pen to paper, something you believe in.

2. You need to be able to condense whatever it is you have to say into a form that tells the story but is not so long that it gets boring.

3. You then need to be able to make the story rhyme

These are the three things I was thinking of when I started this thread, I must admit George puts these in order a bit more succinctly than me, you'll notice I haven't mentioned the tune! which is obviously very important, with me the tune just seems to form itself as I'm writing the words without any great conscious effort. WEll there you are! that's my view and it's certainly been interesting seeing everyone elses, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

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