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GUEST,gleaner BS: Gifts Of Ageing (70* d) RE: BS: Gifts Of Ageing 30 Dec 06

It's now reported that a significant amount of neural development is not functional until one is into one's twenties. I believe it, looking back at myself as well as at others.

Most people have scant idea of what it is like to live in advanced age. We need to be around persons of advanced age for long periods of time to begin to sense what their respective thoughts and experiences are. I think that if I had life to do again, knowing what I know now, I'd keep centrally in mind the prospect of those around me, and even myself, living approximately seven to ten decades while being a person.

In the US, I thought that more changes in medical care and living arrangements would occur as the parents of baby boomers reached advanced age. Now it appears that we baby boomers ourselves will have to be entering advanced age for political pressures to become great enough to produce changes. How tragic.

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