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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Polly Squeezebox BS: Chippenham FF Campsite (5) BS: Chippenham FF Campsite 10 Jan 07

I am pleased to inform that the Chippenham 'Westmeads' Site has had its annual wash today. Always a relief to get it over early in the year as it usually only floods once a year - so now all should be safe for the festival at the end of May.

On a more serious note - a lot of work has been done on the campsite which has considerably reduced the amount of space available for pitching tents. So if you intend to come to the festival and want to use the Westmeads Site (tents as opposed to caravans)and the most central site, then I suggest you get your booking in early. In any case, booking now would make you eligible for the early booking discount.

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