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GUEST,Dale (93* d) RE: 17 Jan 07

Yes, Rabbi-Sol is right. No play list, no announcing the songs as they go, if you hear a song you like, you just try to figure out what it might be with an internet search.

It also helps if you have at least a reasonable knowledge of Newfoundland and Atlantic Canada Musicians like Simani, Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers, Ellis and Wince Coles, The Cormiers, etc.

Check out fellow Mudcatter Gest's Songs of Newfoundland site for additional help.
That's probably the biggest single aid in figuring things out.

Seems like I helped Rabbi-Sol with some lyrics several years ago. I am remembering as I type. It was Moving Away by the Cormiers. When he asked, I did not know who it was by, though I had heard it on RNF. His inquiry set me on my successful quest to figure it out. As I recall, Gest's site is where I finally nailed it down.

I think I have mentioned several times on here that it is my favorite internet radio station.

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