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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,flyingcat Origins: 'Once in China there lived a great man... (269* d) RE: Lyr Req: 'Once in China there lived a great man... 17 Jan 07

this is version i learned at my mother's knee, she used to sing to us and make us laugh.

In China there lived a very big man
His name was Jigger iger ingjing jang

His legs were long and his neck was short
And the Chinese man could't walk nor talk

His servants used to carry him about
because he was so very very stout

They took him up to the top of a hill
And rolled him down like a great big wheel

Jiggerigering jiggerang jiggarora
bondolora woodawooda waok
Okotoko idi adi itiko
Itify titify Chinese talk

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