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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Dale a few old June Appal titles now digital (8) RE: a few old June Appal titles now digital 25 Jan 07

You'll have to forgive me (or at least forget I said it) but NO. $12.99 for a 128kpbs download? No notes or cover art that I can see?

This should either be lower priced or at least a 192kpbs quality download. I will just have to stick with my old Dutch Cove lp under those conditions.

I just don't see where that is value received for your money spent. Of course if you don't have the old lp . . . and you need to have the album, I'd say rush right out and get it, or in this case, download it. They do have one other alternative, a cassette for $8.00.

To sum up my position. Give us a higher quality download, include printable quality PDFs of the cover art and album notes and only then will this be worth the money they are asking.

That Dutch Cove album is one of my all time favorites, though and I would love to have a wonderful new copy of it, but under these conditions, I will have to pass.

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