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Strollin' Johnny FaldingworthLive WinterWilson Fri 9/2/07 (58* d) RE: FaldingworthLive WinterWilson Fri 9/2/07 10 Feb 07

Great relaxed evening. Aimee Robertson is a little bundle of talent waiting to develop and blossom - watch out for her in a few years when she's had time to grow. The Cater Twins were, well, The Cater Twins - you know what you're going to get, and we got it in abundance. Gwedna's voice was in excellent form, and she's oh so funny!

Winter-Wilson were newly back to gigging after their recording/holiday break but, if there were any cracks, they didn't show - consummate artistry and musucianship. Dave's one of the best songwriters in the UK and their joint performing talents make them a force to be reckoned with. And Kip's singing of Joni's 'A Case of You' was a revelation! Fantastic stuff, all of it.

As for me, I was a bag of nerves and, for the first time since my illness, actually SWEATED during my set. But I got through it so that's a plus.

Thanks to everyone who brought their bum along to put on a seat - vital for the survival of any venue. And mega-thanks to Tecknickle Tel and Gwed for the PA - excellent sound throughout.

Looking forward to Allan Taylor in a few weeks. Bring him on!!

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