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GUEST,Tobyjug Nutters in Folk Clubs (107* d) RE: Nutters in Folk Clubs 10 Feb 07

For the information of Villain, and anyone else interested, I am still alive, living with my family in the suburbs of Amsterdam, playing concertina for the Utrecht Morrismen, and occasionally performing a Music Hall show called 'An Amusening' with my wife on piano for people who talk us into it by offering money.

I don't remember ever performing a "concert hall show", although I did once sing some shanties and whaling songs for the opening of a whaling exhibition at Tyler's museum in Harlem, and again for the literati at a Moby Dick evening in Amsterdam celbrating something to do with Herman Melville, the writer of said novel.

I do remember another eccentric, called Johnathan Wyse I think, who claimed to be a witch and used to perform dubiously at a folk club I helped run at the Greyhound Pub in the Fulham Road in London, before it was sold and turned into a disco.

Good luck to all eccentrics everywhere, they are what made Britain and the folk scene great.

Dave Calderhead

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