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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Kat I'm Rubber . You're Glue: Children's Rhymes (262* d) RE: I'm Rubber . You're Glue: Children's Rhymes 11 Feb 07

I remember most of the "Two lips" clapping song:

Two lips together
Tie them together
Bring back my love to me

What is the me-ee-ee-ning
Of all these flow-ow-ow -ers
This is the sto-o-o-ry
The story of love
From me to you

Our hearts go bumpity-ump-bump
Over the love of you

That's all I can recall.

The one that's driving me crazy trying to remember is a clapping song that had this thread in it - does this sound familiar to anyone?
(It may be in one of the earlier messages but I can't find it)

...(somebody's) brother John have a peach, have a plum have a stick of chewing gum and if you want another one this is what you say, Amen, Amen, Amendiego San Diego hocus focus dominocus...

And another one that went -

Calomine, calomine, calomine lotion
No no no no not the lotion
Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy ew I got one on my backy
Dead goes the bug when you spray it with the bug spray pssssh!

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