If you are within driving distance of Coventry, you could do worse than come to the Peeping Tom monthly ceilidh club. The club has been going for 30 years now (the band are celebrating their 35th birthday this year!!). IT has an unbroken record - every month for 30 years, except August when we go on our hols. Top caller each month, and of course the resident band, Peeping Tom. We never advertise - it's all by word-of-mouth - and it's pretty much full every month. Must be doing something right! Dancers are pretty evenly split between the experienced, seasoned ceilidh-goers, and novices. A nice mix, and everyone is made to feel welcome. It all happens 1st Thursday of every month (except August) at Massey Ferguson Social Club, Broad lane, Coventry. 8.00 - 11.00. Plenty of parking, and sensibly priced drinks. All for a fiver!! Caller on March 1st is Fee Lock. You can't beat it.