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GUEST,Geoff the Duck BS: Faux news (59* d) RE: BS: Faux news 27 Feb 07

And when George W Bush went on TV to announce that his next "Axis of Elvis" invasion was going to be Liechtenstein, he turned up wearing a very sporty looking Davey Crocket style headpiece made from the fur of a wild fox.
The interviewer was curious, so as an ice breaker to make his guest feel more relaxed, he enquired why the President was wearing such an unusual item.
"Duh!!" said George...
"When the pentangle told me they needed to invade, I decided I should tell my fellow Merkins, and I asked my dear daddy what I should wear to make the announcement"
The interviewer mused "And what did George Senior tell you?"
"Easy" replied George. "He said - Liechtenstein! Wear the fox hat!!"


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