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alanww Folk in NZ South Island (17) Folk in NZ South Island 27 Feb 07

Hello to all Mudcatters in NZ, particularly in the South Island.
I had such a good time touring the North Island last year that I'll be touring the South Island for four weeks from 29 March 2007. I have already made a number of contacts and will be performing at the Canterbury Folk Festival at Easter.
I sing and play the concertina, both as accompaniment and at music sessions (see my website).
I've followed up most of the contacts at the KiwiFolk website and have had a good look at various other sites, including the NZ Folk Song website.
I plan to visit various folk clubs and/or music sessions in Christchurch, Picton & Dunedin. But unfortunately I won't be able to make Nelson, Blenheim or Wanaka at appropriate times to see any action.
But are there any other folky things I should consider during the rest of my tour?
And are there any South Island Mudcatters I could meet up with?
I know that Little Robyn lives in the Hawkes Bay area in the North Island (how are you Robyn?), that jacko@nz lives in Hamilton on the North Island and that Billy the Bus is from Stewart Island.
"For I am free to go abroad ...!"

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