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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Skipjack K8 BS: Oh my god! I forgot Skipjack K8! (20) RE: BS: Oh my god! I forgot Skipjack K8! 06 Mar 07

You dear, dear people. It is true, I don't have a life anymore, I gave up the sauce a mere 14 days ago, and took solace in my sales ledger, from where I was dragged to this kind thread by the Viking maid Bente. I had a lovely day on the 1st, and did something very naughty that hopefully the Vatican will not find out about.

Thank you, Wilfried, dear friend too, and all you other kind wishers, and Giok, I average about two years in ten with a birthday outside the 46 days of Lent, so it isn't always ashes and sackcloth. Just mostly.

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