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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,celticblues5 The Hometown Band, what happened? (9) RE: The Hometown Band, what happened? 08 Mar 07

Hi, Mooh -

Came across this posting while trying to find out whether there were any sources for copies of "Valdy & the Hometown Band" on CD. The only thing I've found are a few people who are selling vinyl copies of the record along with homemade CDs of the contents. (and for quite a pretty penny)

I hadn't thought about this recording for years, but it suddenly popped into my head the other day, and I remembered how much I had enjoyed it.

I see that you received no replies to your original query in 2001, but if you're still hanging out & posting to the forum, I'd appreciate knowing if you ever found out anything about what became of the Hometown Band, and whether their early work is available on CDs.

Thanks so much for your time.

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