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GUEST,M.Ted BS: Pamela Greenbaum Sues Blogger Orthomom (86* d) RE: BS: Pamela Greenbaum Sues Blogger Orthomom 08 Mar 07

That's still an awful lot of kids in Catholic schools-- Give them all a $1000 educational "voucher", and you'll notice the costs around tax time.

The objection isn't a matter of money, though -I don't want to pay for someone else's religious education(which may contain ideas that I don't agree with), and I don't want local, state, or federal government involved in my religion--

At any rate, Rabbi Sol, I think that Ms. Greenbaum is a bit thin-skinned and needs to lighten up a bit(my School Board member mother involved in implementing a school desegregation program--and never lost her sense of humor, even when threatened by the Ku Klux Klan)   
Orthomom seems to have an ax to grind against Ms. Greenbaum--the net effect being that she is prone to examining to Ms. Greenbaum as opposed to examining the issues at hand.

The bottom line in all of this is that it reduces some rather important community issues to rather amusing petty bickering.

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