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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,David Kilpatrick Miskin at Easter 07 - cancelled (549* d) RE: Miskin at Easter 07 23 Mar 07

This bureacracy makes me angry/worried, because in Scotland we don't have any of it right now, and I'm deeply concerned that Wastemonster will try to force it on us. We run countless musical events through the year, freely and openly, in any venue we choose, any time, without needing a single permission beyond PRS.

Why don't you all hit the haughs of Coldstream (about a mile over the border), Longtown, Gretna, Yetholm, Jedburgh or somewhere suitable and stage a public protest by doing the entire lot without licencing or any worries? A hell of a way to go. Or do a mass ferry transit to Ireland where you are free to do the same. Or Brittany.


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