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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JenEllen Thought for the day - March 25, 2000 (2) RE: Thought for the day - March 25, 2000 25 Mar 00

Perfect kat.....

My Grampsie is a staid individual who is currently in the last stages of his battle with lung cancer. That thought just about sums up his life. The only addition I can make came from my Nana. In a loud, rambunctious household, Grampsie manned his seat at the head of the kitchen table armed with his cup of tea and a crossword puzzle. He was seemingly oblivious to the chaos that ran all around him. I mentioned this to my Nana one day and she looked me square in the face and said, "Aye lass, 'E don't talk all that much, but when 'E does, 'E really says something."

Thanks for saying something.....Elle

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