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Jon Origins: Nipperkin and a brown bowl (Barley Mow) (56* d) RE: Nipperkin and a brown bowl 31 Jan 98

I know one that seems to be the one you are talking about. Don't know if it has a chorus, though, but this is what I know.

Okay, here goes:

Here's good luck to the pint pot, good luck to the barley mow
Jolly good luck to the pint pot good luck to the barley mow
Here's the company, slavey, drayer, brewer, daughter, Land Lady, Land Lord, barrel, half barrel, gallon, half gallon, quart pot, pint pot, half a pint, gill pot, half a gill, quarter gill, nipperkin, and the brown bowl.
Here's good luck, good luck, good luck to the barley mow.

That being the final verse (after adding in all the pieces one at a time). Try getting that out without passing out! Almost as silly as Rattlin Bog!


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