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Strollin' Johnny BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? (432* d) RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? 22 Apr 07

Guest "Gun-Owner": - in common with a great many of your countrymen, your insularised education and upbringing has ensured that you know nothing of life in the UK. Your comments are based on the kind of scare-mongering crap that the media use in order to sell copy. The UK is generally a pretty peaceful place, considerably more so than the US, and a huge increase in idiots waving guns about will not make it safer - the reverse would happen and we would turn into the kind of society you have over there.

Guest "Tired of Band-Wagon Hitchers" - if that's so, why did you just hitch to a pro-gun band-wagon? And I said that the UK gun laws have been in existence for "most if not all of the 20th Century, and maybe some of the 19th" - well 87 years since 1920 sounds like "most of the 20th Century" to me (and a bit of the 21st).
I have, in fact, looked up the satistics, and I've quoted some of them here on this thread. I'm not interested in this or that type of gun, I want rid of the whole lot of them, and the people who have to have them to make them feel good about themselves. The simple fact is that gun controls work, the US with weak controls has a hugely disproportionate rate of shootings in comparison with the UK with it's controls. QE-fuckin-D.

Guest "Patty o'dawes" - thanks, that's a very valid point. Thanks for making it.

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