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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Strollin' Johnny BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? (432* d) RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? 26 Apr 07

Thanks d & Ron, I guess 'something' would be better than 'nothing'.

Sitting over here in highly-urbanised UK, it's hard to understand why anyone would ever want a 'hunting' gun - especially when so much 'hunting' seems to be heavily-weighted in favour of the 'hunter', and it's not done for food per se, it's done for 'sport', with the food-supply it might produce being a secondary consideration. It's not really sport AFAIC, just legal satisfaction of primitive blood-lust.

Maybe these people should hunt each other? An afternoon on the receiving end, getting a coupla rounds up their own arses, might just change their minds.

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