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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Pearls Before Swine? (13) RE: Pearls Before Swine? 27 Apr 07

I agree with wordy, 'he left his celebrity behind', it just goes to show most people are like sheep, they actually need to be told someone is good before they will acknowledge the fact!
...if they don't know, they don't care!
I've even seen the reverse of this in folk clubs, I remember seeing a famous folk comedian once (it was Mike Harding at the Topic FC in Bradford) Just about the time he became nationally famous, he just started doing his spot and there was one guy sat near the front who was almost pissing himself with laughter before he'd got his guitar out of its case! I was stood there thinking, "now come on, I like him as well but honestly he hasn't even said anything funny yet?"
CELEBRITY and EXPECTATION is what it's about for the average sheep mentality punter, they have to know what reaction they are supposed to give!

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