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Strollin' Johnny BS: Gun control (297* d) RE: BS: Gun control 29 Apr 07

Hi Kendall. I know that of course, been there several times and loved every minute (and coming back for more in June). My words were simply a way of saying "I don't believe you people over there REALLY DO need to protect yourselves from everyone else - the danger's only there BECAUSE a lot of you have guns". I intended the irony to be self-evident, guess I failed dismally.

Apologies for the generalisation 'Americans' - you know us Brits well enough to understand that's a term reserved here for 'Citizens of the United States of America' - even though there are indeed many Americas we mean 'US Citizens' when we say 'Americans'.

For the sake of balance also, I didn't like my first wife, but I didn't choose either to burn or shoot her, I took the peaceful route and divorced her! That's what we generally do here! :-)


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