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Man of Cow Hollow Buell Kazee CD release party in KY/NYC (6) Buell Kazee CD release party in KY/NYC 24 May 07


Please join the Appalshop Archive in two upcoming events celebrating the preservation and CD release of the 1978 June Appal Recording of the late, great banjo balladeer - the Reverend Buell Kazee (JA009 - Buell Kazee). With the generous aid of original album producers Loyal Jones, Jonathan Greene, many folks at the Berea College Appalachian Sound Archives, Norm Cohen, Maggard Studios and others, I believe we have produced a CD faithful to the original, as well as added 7 great bonus tracks culled from the same recording sources (with many thanks to Mark Wilson, John Cohen, and the Kazee family). For more information, please go to

First - the official CD release party and concert will be on Saturday, June 9th, from 4 to 6pm in the Appalshop Theater in Whitesburg, KY. The show will include musical performances by Brett Ratliff, Rich Kirby, George Gibson, and special guest - Philip Kazee, Buell Kazee's son. The show is a part of Appalshop's 21st Annual 'Seedtime on the Cumberland' Festival - which this year will also include performances by Charlie Louvin, Lee Sexton, and the legendary fiddler Clyde Davenport among others. There will also a quilting party, films, banjo contests, and square dancing. For more information, go to

New York City
Please join me at EAT Records in Brooklyn on June 24th from 6-8pm for
the NYC version of a CD release party of the new CD. The first 12 people to come and play one Buell
Kazee-associated tune on any instrument will receive a free copy of
the new CD!

EAT Records is at 123 Meserole Ave (between Leonard and Eckford) in
Greenpoint, Brooklyn near the Nassau Ave. G-train/McGuiness Blvd. BQE

I would be grateful if you would forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending either of these events. Thanks much, and I hope to see you there.

Chad Hunter
Appalshop Archive

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