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JeremyC Origins: Boots of Spanish Leather (Bob Dylan) (51* d) RE: Origins: Boots of Spanish Leather (Bob Dylan) 26 May 07

Oh, I like both versions of the song, and I'm sure Paul Simon didn't intend to steal credit from Martin Carthy. I do think it's interesting how much overlap there is in style between Dylan, Simon, Carthy, and a few others. Dylan and Simon clearly picked up a lot while they were in England. For instance (in an attempt to be remotely on topic), the fingerpicking figure in "April Come She Will," "Kathy's Song", "Boots of Spanish Leather," and "Girl From the North Country" looks like it was probably borrowed from part of Carthy's "Scarborough Fair" (while it's a common change, it seems to me that the specifics of it come from Carthy).

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