Oho! This one's got hot and steamy whilst we european's have been asleep.
"Arm yourselves everyone... Their good intentions are different from our good intentions!"
I think I might return to the gun debate thread for some gentle reasoned argument laced with views that arn't set in stone. ***VBG***
Neither the "freespeachers" or the "be politers" are wrong in what they have to say. But anyone who has read Swift's "Gullivers Travels" will remember that the Lilliputians went to war over breaking open the big-end or the little-end of a boiled egg. Personal experience tells me that everyone I have met in the threads so far is far bigger than that.
"If we shoot now we'll be right because there'll be no-one left to compromise with."
Personally I think "sending people to Coventry" or "shunning" them is no solution and stifles free speech. However, I've seen voluntary codes of conduct on other sites. I guess it can get a little easy to have a go when your correspondent can be 1000s of miles away - a reminder that they have feelings shouldn't be too much to bear.
Perhaps that was all the point that Shambles was trying to make.