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Hyperabid Thought for the Day - April 5 (3) RE: Thought for the Day - April 5 05 Apr 00

I don't know if this is wholly appropriate - punk poetry rarely is - There follows the text of a poem produced by a little know and long defunct punk outfit known as Flux of Pink Indians

Can you smell the nu smell
Travelling through the air
Aye that I can lad
It's a coming from over there
Over hills, down in t' valley
There's no buildings there
There's nuclear power dumpsite
Someone doesn't care
Parliament says it's safe
So why not bury it there

Unusually for the music genre these people were both pacifists, environmentalists and vegetarians... and whilst their "beef" - if you'll pardon the pun - at the time was with the nuclear industry - this nearly 20 year old protest has echoes of your comments above Peter T.

However the A-side of the record feturs a song with the lyrics -

I love tube disasters
I wanna marry a tube disaster
I want another one like the last one
'Cos I live for tube disasters - yeah!

So I guess that provides a little balance...


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