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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
JeremyC BS: Poor Paris back behind bars (172* d) RE: BS: Poor Paris back behind bars 11 Jun 07

I've sort of followed this story, because (as has noted) it's been all over the media to the point where it's essentially unavoidable. And I can admit to a little shadenfreude when I saw the picture of her crying in the back of a police car.

Yes, she deserved the sentence. No, she doesn't merit so much publicity.

What I found interesting, though, was the most recent report, where she apparently told Barbara Walters that she's been stupid, she thought it was good to act stupid, and that it "isn't cute anymore," and that maybe people should stop focusing so much on her and focus instead on more important things, like, say, Iraq.

Does this mean she's growing up? With her resources, she could educate herself and do a lot of good in the world, but something tells me that's not likely to happen.

Here's the thinkprogress article on the coverage (or actually, it's a compilation of links to other posts):

times two."

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