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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
JeremyC BS: Poor Paris back behind bars (172* d) RE: BS: Poor Paris back behind bars 11 Jun 07

Thanks, you guys. I have no idea why that wouldn't post/show for me. Is there something in the forums software that wouldn't let me do what I was trying to do? Did I forget to close a tag? Gah.

Considering the stuff that's going on in this country right now, it's appalling that people pay more attention to the latest American Idol results and what Paris Hilton is doing than they do to, say, the Gonzales investigation, the current administration's (and most of the Republican candidates'!) attitudes towards torture, national security, etc., and so on. There are many, many disturbing things in the news right now that are worth getting worked up about, and Paris Hilton is not one of them.

But then, I said the same thing about the campaign to save the prime-time drama "Jericho"--people get more worked up about a television show than they seem to about real life.

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