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JeremyC BS: Worst of the 60's 'freak' movies.... (74* d) RE: BS: Worst of the 60's 'freak' movies.... 11 Jun 07

I haven't seen many of the counterculture films, since I grew up in the 80s, but I can comment on a few that were listed: Billy Jack, based on the 15 minutes I caught on cable, was horrible (though I kind of want to see the whole thing), Alice's Restaurant was good except for where it diverged from the song, and it was mainly good because Arlo Guthrie is one charming-ass hippie. A Boy and His Dog was great, although it's been a few years since I've seen it, so I could be wrong there. Worst, based on my limited experience, is probably "The Graduate," which struck me as awful and pointless. Mrs Robinson seemed decent enough, and I remember thinking that all the other characters were either horrible people or barely there.

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