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GUEST,Lon Sigma Guitars (804* d) RE: sigma guitars 12 Jun 07

Have two old sigma guitars, SE-36 C Thin body / rounded back cutaways( not venetian) both had a martin thin line saddle pick-up in them from birth and were made with 3 of each other according to the S#'s.

They both are made in Japan and have the sideway M stamped before the S# and are brown sunburst. We own martins, taylors and these and I have to say I have never played an acoustic thin body rounded back guitar that played so well and was amazingly loud when not plugged in. I have played them for years now and play up to a 12th fret bar chord and they are true.

I bought the first one in 1985 and another two years ago. My son and wife were in a music store and my son saw it and made my wife buy it. 200.00 dollars. I believe the first one was 530.00 with a "martin" like hardshell travel case. (big lunky ones) Got to love those sons don't ya'.

Anyway, don't know anything about either of them and thought I would try and find a little about them. Bought both because of the way they played and knew Martin Co. was stamped on them. These models also had the closed tuners that were Martin also I believe.

Anybody familiar with this model please respond.

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