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JeremyC Why I love Leonard Cohen's music! (124* d) RE: Why I love Leonard Cohen's music! 16 Jun 07

Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's worth watching. It's just that most of the performances weren't very good. And yes, Cohen actually said in one of the interview segments that he liked Rufus Wainwright's versions of some (I don't remember which specifically) of his songs. Scary, considering the actual performances I saw.

But yes, the segment with U2 was excellent, although I've never been a fan of Bono and wasn't too impressed with his interviews. They were so happy to be playing with him, though, and they are in fact a good band, so it worked really well. I had problems with most, but not all, the other performances, though. Worth watching, but I wouldn't say worth BUYING. Maybe if you're a die-hard. But then, to me, Rufus was a dealbreaker. Maybe you'll feel differently. I recommend renting it first.

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