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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Ian cookieless Salman Rushdie - Outrage. (475* d) RE: Salman Rushdie - Outrage. 19 Jun 07

What I don't get is why some contributors to this thread can't see that Pakistan and all their fundamentalist ilk are behaving like a brutal father, husband, school bully or gangster: "Do exactly as I say and don't upset me or I'll beat the shit out of you."

Now it's true that many western countries have done or still do behave this way. That doesn't make it OK for us or for other countries to do it.

And I can't see that being fearful (or just plain sloppy-headed) and just handing over your money, brains, freedom, will and knighthood to a fascist bully is the best way forward.

Mmmmm. If it is, then everyone on this thread send me $1,000,000 or I'll send the boys round with bombs strapped to their sorry asses.

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