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Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: SunCube Fiasco 23 Jun 07

Previous form of Mr CEO Watson

Here is a quote from an aggrieved purchaser of his "overunity device"

I'm (almost entirely) convinced that
he thinks SMOT could eventually work... so he takes the expedient of
telling us that SMOT has already succeeded. But if true, this is enormous
news, and we should all stop what we're doing and look at his videos and
photos, question his eyewitnesses on the phone, ask for new videos of
particular details of the machine in operation, even perhaps call in the
press, pay for him to get a better camera and software, hire a local
vortex staff member as an eyewitness and alternate opinion besides Greg,
install web-connected instrumentation to observe the amazing event, etc.

None of this can happen because there isn't even a single photo of the
successful device, much less a video, much less a second person of whom we
can ask questions. That's just so incredibly weird, it's unbelievable.
Many other aspects are just as weird and inexplicable. But everything is
completely explained by one simple method: if we imagine that Greg lied
when he claimed success, then it all makes perfect sense, and all of his
future actions are totally predictable.

A person who is not after money can still be a con artist. If they
create a web of lies, yet act friendly while lying right to your face...
then they're winning your confidence and using it to manipulate you.
There's no monetary ripoff, yet that's the very definition of "confidence
trickster" or "con game."   If the SMOT can never work, then it's a very
slimy ploy which wastes the time of hundreds of people and only because
they all were lied to.

The Suncube deception is in the same category.
It is even more disgraceful because of the hypocrisy involved...just trying to save the planet etc etc.

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