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Lin in Kansas Lyr Req: Three Rusty Nails (23) Lyr Add: THREE OLD RUSTY NAILS 29 Jun 07

There is one called "Three Old Rusty Nails," lyrics at this site.

no songwriting or music credit given, though. Lyrics are:

(Bret Walton)

(Verse 1)
He came from Galilee, a carpenter by trade,
Came to build His Father's church, on plans that they had made.
His destinity was Calvary, His mission would not fail,
He would build His church on a rugged cross, and three old rusty nails.

This church is still standing, and it will never fall,
Blood stains its foundation, and faith put up its walls,
Though the world may come against it, they will not prevail,
He built this church on a rugged cross, and three old rusty nails.

(Verse 2)
Bricks and stones, themselves alone, aren't everything it takes
To build a church that will stand so strong, when this old world begins to shake.
A fool may build his building tall, but it will be so frail,
Compared to this church Jesus built, with three old rusty nails.

I know that this church is still standing......(Then rest of chorus)

(Coda)..... Well, He built this church on a rugged cross, and three old rusty nails.

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