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GUEST,Arnold 42 days to no smoking (UK) (488* d) RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK) 01 Jul 07

I also lodged my vote Skipy, I am against the ban. A ban on pubs and discos staying open until or drug addicts receiving cuddles from society instead of harsh prison sentences YES.

I went down to my local earlier and it was empty, Reg who runs it was pulling his hair out !

My wife spoke to her brother in law who runs a successful pub in Somerset, he said it was busy at lunch time, but few drinkers there, families out for a sandwich and a soft drink, he said he was 26% down on the average takings by 4.00pm.

I feel sorry for him as an individual, but on the whole I am very pleased at the response of smokers to vote with their feet.

Long may it reign.

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