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Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: SunCube Fiasco 02 Jul 07

The man is a GENIUS...just look at what else he has invented!
Well I guess a 100% efficient starlight powered Suncube would be a walk in the park after that!

Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 08:15:26 +0930
From: Greg Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Simple Rotary Ou Device

Hi All,

Just a short note to try to answer those questions I can.

1) There is NO outside power source.

2) The device contains only ceramic magnet and
ferromagnetic materials (some balsa, a few
bearings and some plactic "U" channel as well).

3) The device produces rotary torque. Can be
stopped with very little pressure from two
fingers on a steel 4mm shaft.

4) The device has been moved to the middle of
my lounge and my back garden. It still works.

5) The device will not auto start. However the
energy necessary to start is only that required
to overcome friction.

6) I don't think the device is worthy of a Nobel
or my picture on Business Week. I know of several
other devices (Finstrud, Gary, Kawai,Bob Shannon's
Barkenhausen Effect Battery and many US patents)
which show magnetic devices can do work. For
some strange reason, we seem to "Not want to
believe" or maybe just want to believe in our
own area of research as the "One true path".

7) I have posted enough details and ideas for
those of you who REALLY want to duplicate the
device to do so. Read my postings.

8) Much work still remains to be able to light
a 1 watt bulb. When I can do that, I will make
available through Stephan's and Bill's OU web
sites a Mpeg of the device working. If I can't
light a bulb, it will still make a nice toy and
maybe a starting place for someone else.

9) The magnets don't appear to be getting weaker
or colder, but then I am not generating much
power yet.

10) I still call the effect DNMEC (Direct Nuclear
Magnetic Energy Conversion). Like my flux gate
DNMEC effect, both these effects revolve around
ferromagnetic and magnet interactions. I believe
the Kawai motor is another variation of the DNMEC
effect (like the Rod & Coil we discussed earlier).

Come on guys (and gals), start thinking outside
of the square. There is always more than one way
to crack eggs.

Stop talking .............. BUILD SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!

Best Regards    Greg Watson Consulting    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Greg Watson    Adelaide, S. Australia    61 8 8270 2737 Home/Office/Fax

Crack Eggs?
I think it's his brain that's cracked....will the fun never end!

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